Life Coaching, Healing, Positive Psychology, Mind Body Spirit, Mind, Spirituality, Alleviate Anxiety
During these challenging times keep yourself immersed in practices and routines that alleviate anxiety:
Meditate, go within, ask for divine guidance.
Celebrate what you do have in life.
Express gratitude for your warm home, your food, your loved ones!
Thank your immune system for taking such tremendously good care of you!
Find joy in the present moment of this precious gifted life you have.
Work on projects you've been putting off.
Dive into your creativity and put yourself into a flow state.
Stay away from false sensational news.
Play games and share positive stories with those you share your space with.
If you live alone, connect to your community through virtual video platforms.
Talk about your dreams, not your fears.
Read that book you've been meaning to get to.
Stick to the facts.
Reframe language and words like isolation and quarantine. Instead, consider this as a time to go within, rejuvenate, and bloom anew.
There are so many good ways to spend this time. Don't allow your nervous system to get induced into all the hysteria.
Please take care of yourself, Beloved!
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